23 January 2010

sherlock holmes.

ive just finished watching sherlock and it was so damn fantastic, incredible, magnificient. that explain siuk, atu pun inda cukup inda ku tau. nw im going home. feel so sleepy already.

cheerio guys! off!

upcoming event.

cant wait this 30th, yehaaa its my sis surprise party!! yahooo its gonna be fun. happy belated birthday sistaa. wish you all the best in your life and ofcourse dont forget your big bro cesh hahaha!


now i already finished editting my layout. aduhhh, headache ihhh. but so far so good. now thw bangang slowly to dissapear.

boriinggggg ihh, mana ya? inda ya online ka? i feel guity wah about the deactivate thingy. its all my fault!! now i just realised that she was everything. hmm mana ya? mana ya? im worried about her iih :/ kusuttt bnarr mun cemane. im wondering, whats wrong with me nowadays. ishh everything goes wrong saja.

im new here :D

whiee.. this is my new blogger account.
like i can'r believe i have one of it 'cause i was so damn bangang bah
kan buat this fucking account ah.
and? em? apa lagi ah?
